

研究には興味があるが感染症研究はちょっと敷居が高いな、自分にやっていけるのかな?とお悩みの方、見学や夏期休業期間等を利用した体験入学も歓迎します。まずは明里 (akari.hirofumi.5z@kyoto-u.ac.jp) までお気軽に問い合わせ下さい。

This research center, including our laboratory is affiliated with Division of Biological Sciences in the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University. Thus, we take part in education at the graduate level and provide enthusiastic students with opportunity in engaging in active research in the primate Virology. Visit the following website for admission information:  http://www.sci.kyoto-u.ac.jp/international/admission.html. Please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail (akari.hirofumi.5z@kyoto-u.ac.jp) If you have any question.